What is the purpose of practicing yoga? Yirser Ra Hotep describes it as such: "The goal of yoga and meditation is to achieve a self-reliance, a self-independence; the ability to create your own reality, to create and generate your own thoughts and your own ideas, your own consciousness and to move yourself into whatever direction that you choose." Holistic (or even better wholistic) health includes an enlightenment in all areas of life. We walk through life manifesting on so many levels, often subconsciously, and other times intently. Why are we not prioritizing our manifestation of self-reliance and generating our own thoughts and consciousness as Hotep states? Perhaps the most known and proven way to begin this journey is not necessarily through reading or prayer and external knowledge, but through looking inward by way of meditation and yoga. As a yoga practitioner, the journey began with changing the mindset, carving out the time as a priority and of course - discipline.
AncestorsMAAT Study GroupSundays
2pm-4pm at 966 E.105th Street Cleveland, OH Archives
May 2022
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