<![CDATA[UPLYFF, INC. PRESENTS... - Lifestyle+Culture]]>Wed, 12 Mar 2025 02:48:19 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[African Proverbs for All Ages]]>Sun, 22 May 2022 07:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/african-proverbs-for-all-ages


Voncille Wratee

It is said that a proverb is short sentence that expresses or states a long experience. This book is a collection of African proverbs that give meaning to experiences. It is bold and vibrant visually and tactfully created with four proverbs per illustration.

​This book is for all ages to take the wisdom of life’s journey and express it ways that make to one view it from a different lens. Now if Oprah Winfrey endorses a book, it must be read-worthy…African Proverbs For All Ages is read-worthy for children to elders!
<![CDATA[The Afri(k)an Diaspora]]>Tue, 01 Mar 2022 08:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/the-afrikan-diaspora


Ali Jamal

Black History Month has passed once more.  Is it not time to deal with some truths beyond the history we hear every BHM?  What exactly is the Afrikan Diaspora and what is our true place in HISTORY?  

​Let's dig into a little etymology, lace it with Afrikan accomplishments, ancient migrations, science and philosophies, astrology, spirituality, Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, systemic racism, colorism, creativity, divinity, mis-education, aesthetics, etc. and I present to you - the rich and ever complicated Afrikan Diaspora.

Books have been written, panels have discussed it.  What do you have to contribute to the story and the future of the Afrikan Diaspora?

The Bookshelf:

<![CDATA[Lion's Mane Mushrooms]]>Sun, 29 Aug 2021 02:30:41 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/lions-mane-mushrooms


Ginaya Donnette

What is Lion’s Mane?

If you haven’t heard, Lion’s Mane mushroom is one of the newest super foods... and I just grew it in my kitchen!  You can get a feeder bag from a local grower and all you have to do is keep it out of direct light and in a warm area.   Lion’s Mane has a flavor and texture that mocks meat but the sweeter taste makes it a favorite for a seafood substitute and is commonly used in crab cake recipes.

Recently studies have shown that Lion’s Mane has some very promising neuroregenerative qualities amongst benefits to regulating blood sugar levels and cholesterol. This fungus among us can help reduce anxiety and depression by boosting cognitive performance.

I bought my own kit and my family joined me to watch it grow.   They actually thought it was pretty crazy but after 10-14 days I harvested the mushroom and made them into tasty vegan crab cakes!
<![CDATA[Sunfired Raw?]]>Sun, 09 May 2021 07:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/sunfired-raw


Ciera Grant 

Recently I began a raw vegan fast and (naturally) I decided to do a little research and search for recipes on YouTube.  This search led me to the videos of Dr. Aris Latham and his Sunfired Ra Cuisine recipes.  Dr. Latham believes that the best foods are cooked by the sun, and that humans should not consume foods that they have to alter by cooking, and therefore the best foods for humans are, and can be consumed raw.  These foods are “cooked by the sun” and are living and filled with easily digestible nutrients.  Many are turned off by the idea of eating “boring vegetables” as we are accustomed to prepared meals, however Dr. Latham teaches us that preparation and cooking are not the same.  A complex, delicious, flavor diverse, and ascetically appealing meal can be prepared using raw vegetables.  Healthy body, healthy earth, healthy living; sign me up!

Check out the Raw Cleveland site for local options:

<![CDATA[Juneteenth 2020 - Collaboration in Times of Chaos]]>Sun, 21 Jun 2020 07:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/juneteenth-2020-collaboration-in-times-of-chaos


Ali Jamal

A Juneteenth to Remember - FINALLY!  Why is this commemoration of the end of shackled slavery so monumental this year?  Well, perhaps it's the Covid-19 Global Pandemic or the Police murders. I'm certain that it is a combination of both, plus the fact that 2020 has power in the number itself.  The 2 representing teamwork and diplomacy, the zero representing wholeness and inclusiveness, and the total number 4 representing pragmatism, focus on building for the future and conscientiousness.  So, maybe that has a little something to do with it - if you're into that realm of thought.

Regardless, the fact that we need to celebrate the end of enslavement in itself is mind blowing - that a race of people can enslave or colonize other races of people.  The sadistic and greedy mind it would take to conduct such acts are rarely addressed and so we still march and chant and scream and shout, working towards justice, equality and the rights and means to live.  

On this Juneteenth 2020, despite the pandemic, we have found ourselves needing to pronounce the demand for true freedom like never before.  The police murders are out of control and the lack of justice for the victims of these murders is fascinating and depressing, provoking and numbing.  
<![CDATA[Meditating with Lalah Delia]]>Sun, 14 Jun 2020 07:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/meditating-with-lalah-delia
The phenomenal Lalah Delia, is an accomplished writer, educator and mentor, but many of us know her as the smooth and solid voice with the perfect message and meditation on apps such as Insight Timer.

Her "guided meditations" are golden.  She encourages us all to "Take our power back", create a new life Timeline and wade in the Sacred Waters.  She is by far one of my favorites as with many of my colleagues and family.  I can't wait to read her literary piece, Vibrate Higher Daily.  

<![CDATA[Financial Planning - pt.2]]>Sun, 10 May 2020 07:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/financial-planning-pt2


Ginaya Donnette

So, after the first article, I received some inquiries about where to start - in other words encourage me!! 

My financial planner Keisha and I came up with the following milestones for me to accomplish during my year of 40.  Once these marks are met I can kick my feet up and begin enjoying the fruits of my labor.  Well almost enjoy.  I won’t be making any money but my accounts will be set up and running on autopilot...  Let's get started:
(1) Move my small accounts into large plan that covers IRA and deferred compensation balances over to a higher yielding account through her company.  I chose a mix that included dividend earning stocks and this is just one of my ideas on creating passive income.  

(2) Increase my income through multiple streams.  I already have a part time job and the plan was to ask for a raise but I may have missed my chance to do so before corona hit us.  Now while I’m home I decided to start a new business or side gig.  At least I have time to research and figure out what that will be.
(3) Build an emergency fund.  Keisha insists on the importance of this.  I myself have always been a big saver so this area was good for me but it feels so great to have someone to discuss the best ways to balance saving and investing.  

(4) Create a budget template to review. The intention is to lower high interest debt and reduce Keisha helped put me in contact with insurance agents and a CPA to make sure I was saving money there.  I made changes to my budget (before Coronavirus thank goodness) and saved over $1000 a month! You’d be surprised by all the things we pay too much for. Another thing Keisha did for me was send my student loan information to a consultant to review if I qualify for forgiveness.  *Most of you know I am a librarian so of course I should qualify, but the program is a bunch of red tape and lies. I thought I was doing what was required to be forgiven but after ten years of service they told me I didn’t qualify.  Keisha walked me through a temporary program created for cases like mine and my application is in!  

(5) Increase life insurance. How much is enough?  I already have term life insurance but I think I will increase it now while I’m young and the price is low.  I figure that life insurance will ensure that my children have an inheritance and I could also put some of it into a trust for my descendents education needs or other kinds of support.  Wow that sounds really privileged doesn’t it?  Yes, yes it does. 

(6) Write your will and power of attorney. Especially now that your assets are in order and growing.  I made sure that after divorcing I changed my beneficiary and now I will be writing up a will and estate documents so that my children are covered in the case that I pass before they turn 18 and to indicate where I want my money to go much later down the line (see number 5).   

I’m sure I will have more goals after these are accomplished but that’s normal.  It just means you're progressing.  But if you need help figuring out where to start hope this helps!
<![CDATA[Facemasks by the GUILD]]>Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/covid-masks-by-the-quilters


Ali Jamal

Many in the Diasporic community are simply going along to get along, but whatever the truth is about this COVID CRAZY, better safe than sorry. Regardless of the given task of wearing a mask, let's do our own math wear the coverings with pride and with some style - you know how we do!

Led by Sista Regina Abernathy, the African America Quilt and Doll Guild produced a number of stylish masks.  From the clever polka dots to the Ankara print cloths.  If you want to feel good about these times of ambiguity and conformity, look no further!

<![CDATA[Financial Planning]]>Sun, 02 Feb 2020 08:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/financial-planning


Ginaya Donnette

Should you have a financial planner?

In short, Yes! 

​After getting divorced last year I was very overwhelmed with what I needed to do to organize my finances. There was enough to pay my bills but once my child support ends I’d be high and dry without additional funds.  My desire is always to think ahead and make decisions now that would prepare me for the future. I want to give ‘future Ginaya’ a boost so she can be golden.

Bankruptcy was on my mind even though I knew I could manage without doing that, it just seemed important at the time to start fresh.  Not to mention I had racked up $15,000 in credit card debt.  Instead of making a rash decision, I asked my big sister her opinion and she gave me the number to a Black financial planner named Keisha Smith based in Columbus, OH. After our first conversation she asked me my concerns and laid out hers.  This is more than a budget (although we reviewed that too).

Only after a few months of rigorous action, my savings is bigger than ever and my credit score is up to 700 and climbing.  You have to commit to doing the work to get there but I can’t tell you how great it feels to have someone who knows your vision and helps you move closer to it with real input and clarity.  Yes, get yourself a planner.  Better yet, call me and I’ll give you Keisha’s number (wink).
<![CDATA[BlacKKK Friday]]>Sun, 24 Nov 2019 08:00:00 GMThttps://warriorspulse.org/lifestyleculture/november-24th-2019


Ali Jamal 

As if the notion of peaceful pilgrims and ignorant "Indians" coming together to break bread isn't absurd enough, the Christmas "season" itself is such a peculiar time.  We use this time to see family, to express ourselves through gift giving, to decorate and celebrate through pagan play and to enjoy the sites and smells that we have become accustomed to in America and across the globe. 

The blind attachment to material possessions has us caught up in a lie - whereby we believe that the purchase of man-made goods satisfies a need, a want, and desires of the soul.  Well, regardless, BlaKKK Friday is on the way!  What's your stance family?  "Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda.  Check out this DocuF.ckery.  1954!